七年級英語課文怎么背的快 七年級英語必讀文選篇一
be a to be a a the kind of woman who in the face of adversity will continue to embrace life and walk fearlessly toward the it on!be a truth seeker and rule your domain, whatever it is--your home, your office, your family--with a loving a ue to give birth to new ideas and rejoice in your womanhood...my prayer is that we will stop wasting time being mundane and mediocre...we are daughters of god—here to teach the world how to love...it doesn't matter what you've been through where you come from, who your parents are--nor your social or economic of that matters is how you choose to love, how you choose to express that love through what you have to give to the a your power and your glory!
eleven rules of life1、life is not fair, get used to it.生活是不公平的;要去適應它。
2、the world won't care about your world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.這世界并不會在意你的自尊。這世界指望你在自我感覺良好之前先要有所成就。
3、you will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high won“t be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.高中剛畢業你不會一年掙4萬美元。你不會成為一個公司的副總裁,并擁有一部裝有電話的汽車,直到你將此職位和汽車電話都掙到手。
4、if you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a doesn't have tenure.如果你認為你的老師嚴厲,等你有了老板再這樣想。老板可是沒有任期限制的。
5、flipping burgers is not beneath your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping;they called it opportunity.烙牛肉餅并不有損你的尊嚴。你的祖父母對烙牛肉餅可有不同的定義;他們稱它為機遇。
6、if you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about our mistakes, learn from them.如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的過錯,所以不要尖聲抱怨我們的錯誤,要從中吸取教訓。
7、before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try ”delousing' the closet in your own room.在你出生之前,你的父母并非像他們現在這樣乏味。他們變成今天這個樣子是因為這些年來他們一直在為你付賬單,給你洗衣服,聽你大談你是如何的酷。所以,如果你想消滅你父母那一輩中的“寄生蟲”來拯救雨林的話,還是先去清除你房間衣柜里的蟲子吧。
8、your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has some schools they have abolished failing grades;they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.你的學校也許已經不再分優等生和劣等生,但生活卻仍在作出類似區分。在某些學校已經廢除不及格分;只要你想找到正確答案,學校就給你無數的機會。這和現實生活中的任何事情沒有一點相似之處。
9、life is not spanided into don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find that on your own time.生活不分學期。你并沒有暑假可以休息,也沒有幾位雇主樂于幫你發現自我。自己找時間做吧。
10、television is not real real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.電視并不是真實的生活。在現實生活中,人們實際上得離開咖啡屋去干自己的工作。
11、be nice to s are you'll end up working for one.善待地位卑微的人。有可能到頭來你會為其中一個工作
are a marvel
each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again … and what do we teach our children? we teach them that two and two make four, and that paris is the capital of france.我們活著的每一秒都是世界上獨一無
we should say to each of them: do you know what you are? you are a are all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move.我們應該對他們每一個說:你知道自己是什么嗎?——你是一個奇跡。你是獨一無二的。過往的所有日子里,從來沒有出現過像你一樣的孩子。你的腿,你的手,你靈巧的手指,你的一舉一動都是與眾不同的。
you may become a shakespeare, a michelangelo, a have the capacity for , you are a when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel?你可以成為莎士比亞,米開朗琪羅,或者是貝多 1
芬。你有成就一切的能力。是的,你是一個奇跡。而當你長大之后,你會忍心去傷害另一個如你一般的奇跡么?you must work — we must all work — to make the world worth of its children.我們必須同心協力,讓這個世界成為值得孩子們生活的樂土。
for tat以牙還牙
an american lady, travelling in england some years ago, got into a compartment of a smoking-carriage where an englishman was smoking a a short time she sat quietly, expecting that the englishman would stop then she began to cough and sneeze, trying to show him that she objected to the last, seeing that the man took no notice of her and did not put out his pipe, she said:
“if you were a gentleman, you would stop smoking when a lady got into the carriage.”
“if you were a lady,” replied the englishman, “you wouldn’t get into a smoking-carriage.”
“if you were my husband,” said the american lady angrily, “i would give you poison.”
the englishman looked at her for a moment or two.“well,” he said at last, “if i were your husband, i would take it.”
5. automobiles
automobiles, as products of modern civilization, have played a vital part in the daily activities of human a common means of transportation, automobiles have brought convenience and high efficiency to people’s also stimulated the development of many countries’ industry, business and fact, the wide use of automobiles has greatly improved people’s standard of automobiles have also given rise to a series of amount of fertile land is becoming smaller and smaller due to the extending of highways and parking problems, such as air and noise pollution, petroleum shortages, traffic jams and car accidents are becoming more and more of them even threaten our ore, automobiles, like anything else, have more than one society cannot run without them, but they have also brought us serious have to be found to make full use of their advantages and to reduce their disadvantages.6.making choices
throughout our lives, we are faced with choices: choices in schools, in careers, in personal and community mes the decision is clear, and we can look ahead optimistically and say, “i hope that everything will work out.” at other times, the decision is not clear, and we find ourselves repeating, “i wish i knew what to do.i wish i had the answer.” we go to others for advice, asking those around us, “what would you do if you were in my position?” and we ask ourselves, “what if i did this or i did that?” eventually we make the are good choices, and some are bad choices bring happiness and satisfaction while others bring regrets: “i wish i hadn’t done that.” “if i had known better, i would never have done that.”
living with a good choice is easy, but living with a bad choice can be as we evaluate ourselves and our actions, each day each of us has the opportunity to look forward or to look backward, to be optimistic or to be pessimistic.7.is a diploma everything?
nowadays, there is a craze for diplomas and certificates in our ts are working hard for them;company staff and even some government officials go back to school for higher diplomas or seems that everyone is striving for are diplomas so attractive? it can be explained by the demand of our society often evaluates a person on the basis of what kind of diploma he or she y, the higher the diploma one has, the more opportunities one will as are often regarded as a passport to personal my opinion, a diploma is essential to one’s future success because without a diploma, it is very difficult for a person to find a job in this cutthroat a diploma only shows that you have received a certain doesn’t mean that you are good at doing i think diplomas are something, but not everything.8.natural resources
nature has provided us with many kinds of everything we use in our everyday life comes from food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our homes, the materials to make bikes, automobiles, planes and so on , all come originally from have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of the development of technology and science and the increase of the population, the amount and range of materials consumed has is estimated that the trend will continue in the years to r, natural resources have limited reserves are already nearly used example, the end of the world’s fuel supply is already within an important daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by must learn to conserve what remains.
七年級英語課文怎么背的快 七年級英語必讀文選篇二
four passages from the dramatic writings of shakespeare 莎士比亞戲劇精選四段(1)twelfth night .103-117 [duke of illyria] what dost thou know? [viola] too well what love women to men may faith, they are as true of heart as father had a daughter loved a man as it might be perhaps, were i a woman, i should your lordship.[duke of illyria] and what's her history? [viola] a blank, my never told her love,but let concealment, like a worm i'th'bud,feed on her damask pined in thought;and, with a green and yellow melancholy, she sat like patience on a monument, smiling at not this love indeed? we men may say more, swear more;but indeed our shows are more than will;for still we prove much in our vows but little in our love.男人的愛與女人的愛 [伊利里亞公爵] 您深知的是什么? [薇奧拉] 深知女人可以如何熱愛男人。真的,她們象我們一樣真心。當年我爹有個女兒愛上個郎,正如,假如我是女的,也許我會愛上爵爺您。[伊利里亞公爵] 結果她的遭遇呢? [薇奧拉] 是片空白。她沒有透露她的愛意,卻讓這秘密,象蓓蕾中的害蟲,吃她淡紅的面頰來養生。哀思中憔悴了,帶著又綠又黃的憂郁,她如墓碑般有耐性,坐著,看著悲傷微笑。那還不是真愛嗎? 我們男的說更多話、發更多誓;實際上卻虛飾多于真情; 1
why, how know you that i am in love? [speed]
marry, by these special marks: first, you have learned, like sir proteus,to wreathe your arms like a malcontent, to relish a love-song like a robin-red-breast, to walk alone like one that had the pestilence, to sign like a schoolboy that had lost his a b c, to weep like a young wench that had buried her grandam, to fast like one that takes diet, to watch like one that fears robbing, to speak puling like a beggar at were wont, when you laughed, to crow like a cock;when you walked, to walk like one of the lions;when you fasted, it was presently after dinner;when you looked sadly, it was for want of now you are metamorphosed with a mistress, that when i look on you, i can hardly think you my master.喲,您怎知我患了相思病? [史比德]
哎呀,就是從這些特殊的跡象嘛:首先,你學會了,與普洛帝斯少爺 一樣,像個不滿現狀的人般盤著雙臂;學會了象只知更鳥般唱著情歌;學會了獨來獨往,象個染了瘟疫的人;學會了嘆息,象個丟了啟蒙課本的學生哥兒;學會了哭泣,象埋葬了老奶奶的小姑娘;學會了節食,象需要節制飲食的人;學會了廢寢,象擔心盜竊的人;學會了啼哭著說話,象萬圣節的叫化子。原來嘛,您大笑起來,象雄雞打鳴兒;走起路來象獅子;剛吃飽才會禁食;沒錢才會沒精打采。現在嘛,有了心上人您也全變了,使得我看著您,卻險些兒想不起您是我的主子。love song how use doth breed a habit in a man!this shadowy desert, unfrequented woods, i better brook than flourishing peopled can i sit alone, unseen of any,and to the nightingale抯 complaining notes tune my distresses and record my woes.o thou that dost inhabit in my breast, leave not the mansion so long tenantless, lest, growing ruinous, the building fall and leave no memory of what it was.情 歌
這蔭翳無人之地、荒僻的叢箐,我樂意接受,甚于熙攘的都城。這里我可以單個兒坐著,都無人見,陪著那夜鶯的哀怨歌聲,詠出我的苦惱,唱出我的悲愁。啊,您這棲身在我胸懷中的人兒,2 不要讓這房子這么長久空曠,惟恐它破壞了會倒下,使得無人記起它昔日的光華。【注釋】
a midsummer night's dream the lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all sees more devils than vast hell can hold: that is the lover, all as frantic, sees helen's beauty in a brow of poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;and as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a tricks hath strong imagination that, if it would but apprehend some joy, it comprehends some bringer of that joy, or in the night, imagining some fear, how easy is a bush supposed a bear!《仲夏夜之夢》[忒修斯] 瘋子、情人、墨客,全都是幻想造的。
那人見的鬼,無垠的地獄也裝不下: 那就是瘋子。情人,極度狂亂,在黑姑娘的臉上,他看見海倫的面相。詩人的眼睛,激揚一轉,就掃視了人間天上,天上人間; 正如幻想人不可思議的事物的 具體呈現,詩人的筆管 給它們形狀,使如煙的無,化作棲身有地的有。
有時在夜里,幻想著什么惶恐,好容易把一棵矮樹看作人熊!0 love
her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to ro saturday evenings when my aunt went marketing i had to go to carry some of the walked through the flaring streets, jostled by drunken men and bargaining women, amid the curses of laborers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys who stood on guard by the barrels of pigs cheeks, the nasal chanting of streetsingers, who sang a come-all-you about o扗onovan rosa, or a ballad about the troubles in our native noises converged in a single sensation of life for me: i imagined that i bore my chalice safely through a throng of name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which i myself did not eyes were often full of tears(i could not tell why)and at times a flood from my heart seemed to pour itself out into my bosom.i thought little of the footer.i did not know whether i would ever speak to her or not or, if i spoke to her, how i could tell her of my confused y body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the evening i went into the back drawing-room in which the priest had was a dark rainy evening and there was no sound in the h one of the broken panes i heard the rain impinge upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden distant lamp or lighted window gleamed below me.i was thankful that i could see so my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves and, feeling that i was about to slip from them, i pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: 揙 love!o love!many times.即使是在最不可能勾起浪漫之情的境地里,她的形象也始終陪伴著我。星期六晚上,我嬸嬸要上街去買東西,我得跟著去幫她拿購買的物品,燈火通明的大街上熙熙攘攘,我和嬸嬸在醉漢和討價還價的婦人們中間擠來擠去。苦力們在咒罵著;年輕的店員們站在裝著豬頭肉的木桶邊上,一邊看護著貨物,一邊尖聲地招攬生意;街頭的歌手們反復單調地哼著一首有關“奧唐納凡·蘿莎”的,叫做“你們都來吧”的歌曲,或者唱根據我們當地人的憂愁而編成的民歌;在我心目中,這各色各樣的聲響匯成了一股生活的激情:我想象著自己捧著圣餐酒杯,安全通過了一大群敵人的包圍。有時候,我在祈禱時連自己也不知道在念些什么,可是她的名字卻跳到了嘴邊。淚水常常充滿我的眼眶(我也說不出是何原故)。有時,我內心一陣激動,淚水如潮,似乎從心臟涌流遍了整個胸膛。我很少想到未來,也不知道是否會與她交談;即使與她交談,我又如何向她傾吐我對她敬慕的復雜矛盾的心情呢?然而,我的身子仿佛是一把豎琴,她的言行舉止就象是手指,撥動著我的心弦。
一天傍晚,我來到了教士去世的那間后客廳。這是一個陰雨綿綿、漆黑的夜晚。整幢房子一片寂靜。透過一塊破碎的窗玻璃,傳來了雨水著地的聲響。連綿的細雨猶如行行繡針,灑向濕透的花圃。低頭望去,遠處不知是路燈還是住家的燈火在閃爍著光芒。看不到什么東西反使我感到欣慰。我的全部感官似乎都愿與外界隔絕,便把手掌緊合在一起,直到雙手微微顫動起來,嘴里多次喃喃念著:“啊,愛情!啊,愛情!” 【作者簡介】
七年級英語課文怎么背的快 七年級英語必讀文選篇三
my favorite sports
during my secondary school years i often liked to go to the recreation room to play table of my classmates were very good at this game and i often tried to compete with them to improve my high school i spent many hours playing outdoor sports.i enjoyed team sports like basketball and my senior year i started to practice times i would find a partner to play tennis with me, but as yet i am not very good at this requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strong concentration on the game.我最喜歡的運動
obeying the traffic laws
i am often very afraid to cross-large wide streets.i always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times i have been the light changes to green i still need to look both directions to check the many occasions a speeding motorcycle or bicycle or once a truck drove past the red light and across the pedestrian's i have my bicycle, i get off and walk across the street, but always someone crosses the red at the intersection near the shopping mall i saw an accident: a taxi had stopped for the light, and another truck came from behind and did not safety, it is very important for everyone to obey the traffic laws.遵守交通規則
橫過大寬馬路時,我常會害怕。我總是看著信號燈,走人行橫道。僅管這樣,我還是被嚇著了幾次。當信號燈換成綠燈時,我還是要朝兩邊看一下。很多時候,超速行駛的摩托車或自行車甚至是卡車,都闖紅燈穿過人行橫道。當我騎車時,我就會下來,推著車子步行過馬路, 但總有人闖紅燈。一次,在靠近購物廣場的那個十字路口,我見到了一起交通事故:一輛出租車停在那兒等紅燈,但是它后面的卡車沒停。所以,從安全計,每個人都遵守交通規則是很重要的。
winter is very cold and windy in most parts of china.i usually look forward to the spring festival and the winter holiday when i can go to the south where the climate is warmer during these , i look forward to seeing my grandparents and my is the time everyone is in a festive the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of eh cold weather outside.冬天
for me the autumn or fall starts in september when school starts its new term.i usually do some mild weather made it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park close to my house.i like to look up the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown park also has many bright fall flowers;sometimes i see a small squirrel coming down from the tree to hunt for food on the the weekends, i sometimes like to fly my y on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet is a nice time of the year.秋天
summer is the great season for all sports in the open is the season for football which is often called the national sport because of its popularity.i usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the football results of the little the summer i like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home.i usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city.i feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet life of the villagers.夏天
spring is a delightful temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more r children like to bring their kites out to the spacious i enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months.春天
a youth and his country
the youth of today will help to shape the future of his country a good citizen, he should prepare himself in his everyday life as well as in school for the contribution of his talent to his should have ability or skill to should keep well informed and help to inform others about what his country's problems should try to find out and show what he can do for his he should be physically strong and mentally a responsible citizen, with his courage, enthusiasm, and love, he will help to make his country one of which all its citizens can be proud.今日青年
my friend
john is the most diligent student in our is one of my a matter of fact, he gets along with his might spend just five to ten minutes talking to you once in a long while, but he talks with enthusiasm and energy, and he likes to share his thinking and ideas with is honest;he does not like to waste his time and never appears sleepy and tired in the always hands in homework on time and also does well in his examinations, yet he has time practicing playing football and his violin skill.i admire him.i hope i can be as diligent as he is;john is persistent, attentive, and energetic.我的朋友
what do you want to be when you grow up?
this question and another similar question, “have you decided what you will do after you finish school?” were among the most common questions people often asked me when i was a small child and then a student in ng the right career is very this reason we should try to find out what our talents and interests are and how we can use are many careers open to each of persons find their place in government service, and many others may be interested in going into the business ng, newspaper works, medicine, engineering, science--these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.長大后你想干什么?
my career plan
during my high school years, i have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics ly, i am interested in many subjects such as history, and somehow i cannot remember the historical events or the facts in detail.i cannot remember english words well, the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to considering my interests and talents i feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career.i would like to study science or engineering in graduation from college i hop to go for higher education ally i would like to return to school to is my career plan.我的職業生涯
intelligent consumerism
wise consumers read magazine advertisements and watch tv commercials, but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology behind the other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for ask themselves questions: is the advertiser hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page? is there any real information in the commercial, or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image? is this product more expensive than it should be because it has a famous name? with the answers to these questions, consumers can make a wise choice.明智的消費
七年級英語課文怎么背的快 七年級英語必讀文選篇四
nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable ody should read supplies us with a variety of news every s us the political situation of the we form the habit of readingthe newspaper, we shall(will)get enough knowledge to cope with ourcircumstances.現今報紙擁有極大的價值,人人都應該看它。它每天提供我們各種各樣的消息。它告訴我們世界政治局勢。如果我們養成看報的習慣,我們就能得到足夠的知識來適應我們的環境。
第二天:my dailylife
though my daily life is extremelymonotonous, i try hard to adapt myself to ? because i intend to be agood student.i wish to render service to my country.i get up at six o’clock every i wash my face and brush my teeth, i begin to review my lessons.i go toschool at seven o’ school is over, i return usually have supper at seven o’ i begin to do my homework.i want to finish it before i go to bed.雖然,我的日常生活十分單調,但我卻竭力設法去適應它。為什么?因為,我打算做一個好學生,希望將來為國家服務。
第三天:a model student模范學生
do you mind being called a bad student? of course far as i know, everybody intends to be(become)a model r, to be a model student is by no means an easy , he must do his best to obtain knowledge.a man without sufficient knowledge will not ly, he must remember to improve his a strong man can do great y, he should receive moral his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.你介意被稱為壞學生嗎?當然不。就我所知,每個人都打算做模范學生。
第四天:how to get happiness 如何獲得快樂
there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the t it, life will be empty and you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two , health is the secret of happiness(the key to happiness).only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of ly, happiness consists in contentment.a man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.無疑,快樂是世界上最寶貴的東西。沒有它,人生將是空虛而毫無意義的。如果你希望知道如何獲得快樂,你必須注意下面兩點:
第五天:books書 籍
as is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our other words, they are our good teachers and wise is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more g is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of is true that we can derive benefits from good r, bad books will do us more harm than good.眾所周知,書籍教我們學習人生,真理,科學以及其它許多有用的東西。它們增加我們的知識,擴大我們的心胸并加強我們的品格。換句話說,它們是我們的良師益友。這是為什么我們的父母總是鼓勵我們要多讀書的理由。
第六天:a trip to the country 鄉村游記
one sunday my mother(mother)had(made)me take my little young brother to a trip to the bade me take good care of we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing saw the beautiful flowers smile(smiling)at us and heard the birds sing(singing)their sweet songs on the scenery was indeed very pretty(beautiful).when we felt tired, we returned saw mother(our mother)wait(waiting)for us at the door.一個星期日,我母親叫我帶小弟弟去鄉村游玩。她吩咐我要好好照料他。
第七天:be patriotic要 愛 國
it is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful(to make the country rich and strong is...).in order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic(love his country).i consider this an unchangeable can a student love his country(be patriotic)? i find my answer very simple and must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his(the)country in the every student can do according to what i said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful.要使國家富強是每個公民的責任。為了達到這一目的,必須愛國。我認為這是一條不變的定理。一個學生如何才能愛國呢?我發覺答復很簡單明了。他必須用功讀書并積累知識,以便將來服務國家。如果每個學生都能按照我所說的去做,國家一定會富強。