

2016/08/29 08:55:19文/網編3



(1) 理解主旨要義: 它要求我們對聽到的內容有一個整體的把握和全面的領會, 理解說話者究竟在說什么。任何一段對話或獨白都是圍繞一個中心展開的, 有時主旨大意較明顯, 有時則需要歸納和概括。

(2) 獲取事實性的具體信息: 它要求我們聽清、聽懂與話題中心相關的具體信息, 準確理解具體細節(jié),如時間、地點、人物、價錢、數(shù)量、目的、原因、結果等。同時, 還要求我們對所聽到的信息進行簡單的處理, 比如數(shù)字運算、時間排序、比較篩選、同義轉換等。

(3) 對所聽內容做出簡單推斷: 它要求我們從對話或獨白的話題和語氣中來推斷出對話雙方(或說話人)的職業(yè)或身份, 彼此之間(或與他人)的關系, 對話發(fā)生的時間、地點或場合等。

(4) 理解說話者的意圖、觀點或態(tài)度: 它要求我們從話語中聽出“弦外之音”, 也就是揣摩說話人的意圖、觀點或態(tài)度。從最近幾年高考試題分析可歸納以下幾個考點:

●高考英語聽力答題方法: 主旨大意題類

考例: What are the speakers talking about (2008閩、蘇、皖、贛卷)

A. A way to improve air quality. B.A problem with traffic miles.

C. A suggestion for city planning.

聽力原文:M: Air pollution is so bad in this city. I think the government should stop people from driving cars on certain days.

W: You have a point. Air pollution is a problem, but not letting people drive on certain days is a bad idea. People have to go to work by car.

M: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you there. Reducing air pollution is really important. People are so used to driving that they don’t think about ways to do things. If we stop them from driving on certain days, maybe they could think of new ways to get around.

W: I see your point, but I still think it wouldn’t be possible to stop people from driving.

解析: 該段對話是圍繞一個中心 “I think the government should stop people from driving cars on certain days.”展開的。

對這種類型題, 抓住短文的前兩句話往往特別重要, 因為前兩句話往往是主題句, 即使不是主題句, 也對理解全文有重要的意義。例如: Last Friday,a storm to re through two villages in Fujian Province,14 people were killed. 這句話是一篇新聞的開頭,很明顯是主題句,介紹了新聞的中心內容,下面則應是對風暴情況的具體敘述。

這類試題要求我們對聽到的內容有一個整體的把握和全面的領會, 抓住說話者究竟在說什么。任何一段對話或獨白都是圍繞一個中心展開的,有時主旨大意較明顯, 有時則需要歸納、概括。常見的提問方式有: What are the speakers mainly discussing / What’s the passage mainly about / What’s the topic of the passage / What are the two speakers doing / What is the dialogue / conversation about為了把握所聽內容的主旨要義, 要從說話人的語氣上體會主旨大意,抓住關鍵詞, 對語段進行整體理解。而不應糾纏在某些小細節(jié)上, 這樣往往會造成以偏概全。

●高考英語聽力答題方法: 因果關系類

考例: Why was Susan late for work (2007全國卷I)

A. She missed the bus. B. Her train was late. C. Her car broke down.

聽力原文:M: You are lucky. I was 10 minutes late.

W: What happened

M: All the buses came late.

W: What did Susan say

M: She was late too.

W: What happened to her

M: She took the train, and it was late too.

解析: 根據(jù)“She took the train, and it was late too.” 就可以可以直接得出答案。

因果關系類主要對原因進行提問, 常與文中表示原因的句子形成因果關系。因此要注意because, for, since, as, so that等引導的句子或短語。

●高考英語聽力答題方法: 職業(yè)身份類

考例: Who is the woman most probably speaking to

A. a railway porter B. a taxi driver C. a postal clerk

聽力原文: W: Excuse me, sir. I’m going to send this parcel to London. What’s the postage for it

M: Let me see. It’s one pound and fifty pence.

解析: 根據(jù)parcel (郵包) 和 postage(郵資) 等關鍵詞可以判斷, 這位女士是在跟一名郵局職員講話。答案是C。

該題型經常提供一個情節(jié),反映所涉及人物的關系或身份。在高考試題中, 常見的職業(yè)類型有:警察、醫(yī)生、司機、工作人員、作家、經理、教師、學生等。常見的提問形式有: 1. What’s the woman’s job / 2. What’s the profession of the man / 3. Who is the woman most probably speaking to / 4. Who is the speaker / 5. What is his / her job / 6. What does he / she do

關鍵詞 Teacher / Student: class, exam, homework, part-time / full time job.

Salesman: price, on sale, try on.

Reporter: news, report.

Doctor / nurse: medicine, operation

●高考英語聽力答題方法: 事實細節(jié)類

1. 地點場景類

考例 1: Where does the conversation most probably take place (2008閩、蘇、皖、贛卷)

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home.

聽力原文:W: OK, time to go home.

M: I can’t, because I haven’t finished the report about the newly opened restaurant.

W: Well, if you carry on working like that, you’ll make yourself ill.

解析: 根據(jù)對話中 “ time to go home. … I can’t, because I haven’t finished the report”就可以推斷出是在辦公室。

地點題選項一般由表示地點的名詞或介詞加這類名詞組成。有些地點是對話中直接提到的, 有些是需要根據(jù)對話的內容來判斷的, 還有的兩者兼而有之。地點類常考的地點一般為機場、實驗室、學校、商店、車站、圖書館、餐館、醫(yī)院、郵局等。常見的提問方式: 1. Where does this conversation probably take place / 2. Where did it happen / 3. Where is… / 4. What kind of store is she going to

關鍵詞: Bank: account, cash, check, savings.

School: campus, dorm, grades, lecture, paper, exam, grades, playground, teacher.

Restaurant: menu, soup, drink, order, bill.

Airport / Station : train, time table, take off, passenger, flight.

Post office: parcel, package, stamp, postage, letter, airmail.

Hospital: cold, fever, pain, cough, trouble, temperature.

2. 時間類

考例2: When will the two speakers leave if they get cheaper tickets (2007湖南卷)

A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday C. On Friday

聽力原文:M: Those tickets on Tuesday are so expensive. Can’t you find anything better before Friday

W: Well, if we want cheaper tickets, we have to leave on Thursday.

解析: 根據(jù)對話中 “we have to leave on Thursday” 就可以直接得出答案。


a. 根據(jù)表示時間的關聯(lián)詞來判斷事件發(fā)生的時間,如: before, after, when, while, then, until, later, right away, immediately, as soon as possible等。

b. 掌握年、月、日、星期等時間的表達方法。注意一些表示時間的詞, 如 quarter, a couple of days, eve, fortnight (two weeks), dawn (daybreak), dusk (time just before it gets quite back) 等。同時注意英、美不同的時間表達方式,如:2 : 15讀作 a quarter past two(英)或 two fifteen(美); 2:30讀作 half past two (英) two thirty(美)等。

c. 有時候,文中通過從句或短語表示時間,而不出現(xiàn)具體表示時間的數(shù)字或表示時間概念的單詞,這種情況也要引起注意。例如:“Aren’t you glad the term’s over”可以判斷出時間為“at the end of the term”。常見的提問方式有: 1. When does the conversation take place / 2. When does the man want to leave / 3. How long did it take the man to …. / 4. When did the football match start

關鍵詞: ago, before, after, when, until, later, immediately, quarter, a couple of days, fortnight, decade, etc..






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