摘要: 隨著各國科學技術交流的不斷深化,科技英語翻譯的任務也日益艱巨。由于科技文章文體具有清晰,準確,精煉,嚴密的特點,忠實性成為科技英語翻譯必須遵守的原則。要確保忠實性的實現,在翻譯過程中就應遵循分析,轉換和重構的“三步走戰略”,使譯文具有可讀性。
關鍵詞:翻譯 重視性原則 原文 譯文
參考文獻: 韓其順 《科技英語的特點和翻譯》
i did not buy good seat for movie last day.2.這個車間既做來料加工,又做來樣加工。
this workshop processes raw material on client’s demand and processes according to investor’s sample as well.3.她在中國留學服務中心工作。
she works at chinese service center for scholarly exchange.4.烤煙,蘋果,羊毛和甘薯是延安的四大農產品,年產量3.12億元,占農業總產值的52.5%。
cured tobacco, apples, wool and sweet potatoes are the four main agricultural products in yan’an, their output values at 312 million yuan rmb, according for 5.2% of its total agricultural output values.5.可以預言,鈦材在飛機或各種飛行器上的應用將會與日俱增,并且在其他工業中的應用也會擴大。it can be prophesied that titanium materials will be used increasing in aerospace and in other rise of blood pressure occurs with some other disease, it is called secondary hypertension.某種與其他疾病伴發的高血壓,稱為繼發性高血壓
of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book.本節內容如有更改,均見本書末附錄。
that a microganism is capable of destroying one of anther species was first discovered by pasteur, who pointed out that can be used to the therapeutic use.英漢句子中心的差異
it’s truly amazing that they can produce cells that look like embryoric stem cells.2.1968年12月阿波羅8號宇宙飛船上那些想家的宇航員們在太空拍下了整個地球的彩照,此后在1970年4月很快就出現了第一個地球日,這絕非是歷史的偶然。
it’s no accident of history that the first earth day in april 1970 came so soon after the color photograghs of the whole earth from space were made by homesick astronauts on the apollo 8 mission to the moon december 1968.3.你們已經取得了進步,對此我毫不懷疑。
there has been no doubt in my mind of the progress which you have achieved.4.由于貴國政府的提議,才得以這樣快的重新實現訪問,這使我感到特別高興。
i was all the more delighted when as a result of the initiative of your government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.5.由于現代世界的發展和近年來在單門學科狹窄前沿上的研究進展,出現一些極其復雜的難題,單憑一兩人的力量是無法對它們進行透徹研究的。
one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world and by recent development in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline.6.這種小型熱帶魚由于具有自行修復受損和患病的眼部細胞的獨特能力,長期以來一直為科學家所關注。the tiny tropical fish has long interested scientists because of its unique ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in their own eyes.7.不努力就不會成功。
one can never succeed without making great efforts.8.想到要出國深造,他激動不已。
he felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.9.如蒙早日寄來樣品或產品冊,將不勝感激。
i would appreciated if samples or brochure could be soon forward to us.10.如能盡早回復,我將非常感謝。
i would appreciated it if you can reply as soon as possible.11.他本來在天津開會,會議一結束,他就上北京去度假了,昨天才坐飛機回來。
he had flown yesterday from beijing where he spent his vocation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in practice, the selected interval thickness is usually a compromise between the need for a thin interval to maximize the resolution and a thick interval to minimize the error.為保證最大的分辨率必須選用薄層,為使誤差最小必須選用厚層,實際上要權衡一下來選擇厚度。
aluminum remained unknown until 19th century, because no free aluminum can be found in the nature, due to the metal can connected with other elements, most commonly with oxygen for aluminum and oxygen having strong was to test the effect of mercury on the heart that the two new studies compared the mercury levels in clipping from toenails, where heavy metal tend to be deposited.重金屬通常是富集在指甲內,于是兩項新的研究比較了腳趾甲剪取物中的汞水平,以此來考察對比心臟的影響。
1.人體t細胞白血病病毒:human t-cell leukemia virus 2.國際經濟新秩序:a new international economic order 3.第五屆全國化學生物學學術會議:the 5th national conference on chemical biology academy of sciences:國家科學院
ew of gmp, quality system and compliance in the us:美國的gmp和質量體系合規性概觀
side effect of the chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer:治療癌癥的化療藥的一般副作用 7.這個通信衛星可以在任何時間向任何地點有效的傳遞語音信號和數據信號。
the communications satellite can send voice signal and data signal to any place at anytime.8.昨天在真空中進行了這個反應。
the reaction is carried out in a vacuum yesterday.9.中國南京江寧區龍眠大道639號。
639 longmian avenue, jiangning district, nanjing, china the gene is activated, mice exhibit symptoms that mimic depression.基因被激活,小鼠表現出抑郁的癥狀。
1 temperature is between 20-25℃ in the lab no matter when it is measured.無論什么時候測量,實驗室的溫度都保持在20-25度之間。12.無論出于固態,液態或氣態,水的化學成分都保持不變。
the chemical constituents of water remains constant whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous -tof-ms is a rapid and sensitive proteomic technique that has been applied to identify biomarkers in various diseases.14.由于甜椒中的親脂性成分,用極性洗脫液洗脫的甜椒樣品表現出更高的生物活性。
the sweet pepper samples eluted with polar eluents exerted high bioactivity due to their lipophilic component.15.該項準則隨后成為了全球公認的評價口服固體劑型均勻度的非藥典測量方法。
1. 地球繞軸自轉,引起晝夜變化。
the rotation of earth its axis causes the change from day to night.2. 采用這種新裝置可以大大降低廢品率。
the adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.3. 為使物體克服慣性而運動,就需要一個力。a force is needed to move an object against inertia.4. 許多學貫中西的大師的經歷證明,學不好母語的人,也不可能真正學好外語。
the experience of many great master well versed in the learning of both chinese and western cultures have shown that without a mastery of his native language, it is impossible for one to be truly at home with a foreign language.增詞減詞 增詞
the football match, he’s got an important said he’d come to the job was sweeping, scratching, cleaning.4.i could knit when i was typewriter is indeed cheap and e of its reliability and simplicity evaporation is often applied on a large scale, normally using steam as the heat ion will make iron and steel an el nino the pressures over australia, indonesia and the philippines are higher than normal, which results in dry conditions or even droughts.re there no gravity, there would be no air around the sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely beings have not yet been able to make an element by combining protons, neutrons and is a mixture of in the universe are changing all the c bowls marked microwavable are probably safer than those that aren’ can be changed into energy and energy into earth’s population is doubling, the environment is being damaged.1 chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects.減詞
1.由于失業率增高,美元幣值下降,股票市場處于困境之中,經濟問題將是總統所面臨的最嚴峻的考驗。with high unemployment, the low dollar and the distr stock market, the economy will be the president’s trail.2.你參加過花樣滑冰項目的比賽嗎?
various channels and ways should be explored to promote the language development of children.6.這家航空公司需要加強改進和完善運行機制。
the airline company should make intensive effort to change and improve.7.回顧過去病史,未發現感染反復發作。
11.抗氧化劑是某種存在于食品中的化學物質。antioxidant is a chemical in food.12.這臺較復雜的電腦又能設計出一臺更為復雜的電腦,而且還可以一代代更加復雜精密的開發,研制下去。this more complex computer could design one still more complex and soon…
句意反譯 肯定譯為否定
1. 這份說明書不夠詳盡。the specification lacks details.2. 我們不應該再把海洋當成人類的生活污水和工業污水的垃圾場了。we should stop treating the sea as a dump for human and industrial effluent.3. 精密儀器必須保持無塵。
precise instrument must be keep free from the dust.4. 鐵箱能使地球磁場影響不了指南針。
an iron case will keep the earth’s magnetic field away from the compass.5. 我們無權簽此合同。
it’s beyond our power to sign the contract.6. 他們公司在產品的包裝和宣傳上明顯比不上競爭對手。
their company is obviously inferior to their rival in product packing and are many other energy source in store.有很多能源尚未開發。
the high altitude snow and ice remain all year.高海拔處冰雪常年不化。
rubber prevents electricity from passing through it, it is used as insulating material.由于橡膠不導電,所以可以用作絕緣材料。
have found your terms and conditions agreeable.我們對你的章程和條款沒有異議。
study of genetics will never be so all encompassing as to gobble up every subject from medicine to sociology.遺傳學幾乎包含了從藥學到社會學的所有學科。
advantages of nano-structured materials do no end here.納米材料的優點一言難盡。
recently geneticists were not interested in particular gene.基因學家最近才開始對特定基因感興趣。’t lose time in posting this letter.請及時送達這封信。
deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced.憑票退押金。
was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay.這意味著這個設施需要按時設計和生產。
is not as dense as water and it therefore floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。
se bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100℃ 100℃可以殺滅細菌。
s importance can’t be stressed too strongly.它的重要性怎么強調也不為過。
don’t consider melting to be chemical changes.我們認為熔化不改變化學成分。
1 doctor do not expect that the patient with breast cancer will recover.醫生認為乳腺癌患者康復機率小。
could not be too careful in a new neighborhood.搬到一個新住處要越小心越好。
has priced itself out of his dish.豬肉太貴,他吃不起。
does not allow us to further analyze this problem here.限于篇幅,我們不能在此對這個問題做進一步分析。 now optimism had given way to doubt.至此,人們不再盲目樂觀,而是疑惑重重。
hylline does not share the usual objection to vasodilators.人們通常反對使用血管擴張劑但并不反對使用氨茶堿。 exigency of the case admitted of no alternative.情況緊急,別無選擇。
never occurred to me that she was dishonest.我從來沒想過她不老實。
was a strike participated in by five thousand workers.五千個工人參加了罷工。
8.“there is an increased level of anxiety disproportionate to the actual risk,” says jerrold bushberg, who directs programs in health physics at the university of california at davis.“it’s the dose that makes the ’s not a binary thing.”
resistance can be determined provided that the voltage and current are know.已知電壓和電流可以確定電阻。
things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.有人在此講了不該講的話
is said that the rhythm of tides is affected by moon.月亮影響潮汐規律。
suddenly i got an idea./suddenly an idea struck me.13.不同的人對食物持不同的態度。
different people have different attitude towards food./attitudes toward food vary from person to person.14.人們一致認為植物病毒不會感染動物,反之亦然。
it has always been assumed that plant virus cannot infect animals and vice started with a morning visit to the modern campus of the 22000-student university of michigan in nearby ann arbor, where the chinese table tennis team joined students in the cafeteria inn for lunch and later played an exhibition match.中國乒乓球隊在星期五早上參觀了坐落于安娜堡附近,擁有2200名學生的密歇根大學的現代化校園,并在學校自助餐廳與學生一起進餐,然后進行了一場表演賽。
has been a striking continuous, but unexplained decline in the reported death rate of gastric carcinoma in the united states from 34 per 1,000,000 population in 1930 to 8 per 100,000 currently.據報道,美國的胃癌死亡率一直在明顯地持續下降,從1930年的0.034%到目前的0.008%,但原因不明。 journey from embryonated egg to the ligase chain reaction has embraced an enormous amount of work involving tissue cell culture ,enzyme immunoassay, fluorescence ,and molecular techniques.從最早的雞胚(中分離得到衣原體)發展到用連接酶鏈鎖反應(診斷衣原體感染),醫學專家們進行了組織細胞培養、酶免疫測定、熒光反應和分子技術等大量工作。
o has been used to treat malaria in china for over 2000 years.在中國使用青蒿治療瘧疾已經有2000多年歷史了。re problems must be solved before the tests start.考試開始之前必須解決這些問題。
may be treated with drugs, physical measures or surgery.藥物,物理治療,外科手術可以治療疼痛。
patient is questioned by a doctor about his present complaint and the date of the onset of the disease.醫生詢問病人現在的情況以及疾病開始的時間。
l elements and compounds may be extracted directly from seawater.一些元素和化合物可以從海水中直接提取出來。
a current is flowing through a wire, the latter is being heated.電線有電流通過后會發熱。
magnetic field are know to come from the human body.已知人體會產生一定的微弱的磁場。
resistance must be given careful consideration when the missile is to be designed.導彈設計時要特別注意空氣阻力問題。
is claimed that soap powders polluted the water we drink.有人聲稱肥皂粉污染了我們的飲用水源。10.心臟往往被看作是人體最重要的器官。
the heart is often regarded as the most important human organ.11.雄性wistar大鼠20只隨機分成對照組和糖尿病組。male wistar rats were spanided into two groups randomly :control group and diabetes group.12.本文以前沒有發表過,目前也沒有考慮投寄其他雜志發表。
this paper has not been previously published, also not been considered in other journal at ation is normally carried out by the a, b, or c family polymerases with high fidelity and high processivity.復制過程通常是由具有高保真性和高持續合成性的聚合酶家族a,b或c實施的。
conflict between the urgent need for new antimicrobial agents against resistance bacteria in clinic and less development of new antibiotics should be resolved by the cooperations among enterprises , government and institutions.企業、政府和科研機構之間的合作將是解決臨床對于治療耐藥菌感染的新型藥物的迫切需求與抗菌藥研發處于低谷之間矛盾的方法。or耐藥菌感染治療急需新型抗菌藥物,而抗菌藥物的研究開發處于相對低谷,由此所產生的矛盾應該由企業、政府與科研機構合作解決。
gh an association between migraine and chest pain has been described, an association between migraine and coronary events has not been firmly established.雖然先前已有過關于偏頭痛和胸痛之間關聯的描述,但是偏頭痛和冠心病之間的關聯尚未確立。
if things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.2.要了解中國,可以有很多視角。
there are different angles to approach china.3.學習先進,才有可能趕超先進。
only by learning from the advances is it possible for one to catch up with and surpass them.4.與其說海洋把陸地分開,不如說海洋把陸地連在一起。the ocean do not so much spanide the world as unite it.5.從他家到公園很近。
it is only a stone’s throw from his house to the park.6.我的家鄉冬天很少下雪。it seldom snows in my hometown.7.可以采用各種方法使溫度下降。
we can take all sorts of measures to bring the temperature s methods can be adopted to keep the temperature down.8.首先要保證產品的質量。
the quality of the products must be guaranteed.9.操縱這些機器時必須小心。
be careful when operating these machines.10.要著力解決經濟社會發展中的突出矛盾。
efforts must be made to resolve the prominent conflicts in economic and social development.11.使用電子顯微鏡,能獲得大得多的放大倍數。
much greater magnification can be obtained when electronic microscope is used.12.該項實驗中肯定困難很多。
there must be many difficulties in the experiment.13.沒有順利,無所謂困難;沒有困難,也無所謂順利。without facility, there would be no difficulty, and vice versa.14.對母語是英語的人來說,根本不可能4個星期就學會漢語。
it is impossible for native english speakers to master chinese in just four weeks.15.已經決定幾個月后進行生產。
it has been decided that production should begin in a few months.16.建議采用中國生產的設備。
it is suggested that the equipment made in china be adopted.17.隨信附上我們新開發產品的樣品。
enclosed are samples of our newly developed products.定語從句
and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.太空和海洋是科學家們努力探索的新領域。
is a condition in which the body temperature is higher than normal.發燒是提問高于正常的情況。
ial hypertension is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found.原因不明的高血壓成為原發性高血壓。
chemicals that make metabolism possible come from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.使新陳代謝成為可能的化學物質來自我們呼吸的空氣、所飲的水和所吃的食物。
body consists of a large number of organs, each of which has its own particular function to perform.人體由大量器官構成,每種器官都有特殊的功能。
en is stored in the liver, which is released as needed in the form of glucose.糖原儲存于肝,需要時以葡萄糖的形式釋放出。
ion can be performed with acupuncture analgesia, which is a great contribution to the development of medical science.手術可用針刺痛法進行,這對醫學的發展是一大貢獻。
blood flows from the small arteries into the capillaries in which it gives up oxygen to the body cells and removes wastes from the tissues.血流由小動脈流入血管,在毛細血管血液把氧釋放給身體的細胞并從組織中排除廢物。
know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.我們知道由于貓的眼睛比人的眼睛能吸收更多的光線,所以可以在夜間看的清楚。 disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.此病可發生于任何年齡,但以年輕的成年人常見。
should be suspected in persons who have any of these symptoms and signs for unaccountable causes and for an unreasonable period of time.如果病人具有任何這些癥狀和體征,病因又難以說明,而且持續時間長,就應懷疑癌癥。
world countries export their mineral deposit and tropical agriculture products, which bring them desired foreign exchange.第三世界國家出口礦物和熱帶農作物以換取所需的外匯。 purpose for which electricity is used is numerous.電的用途是很多的。
ately, there are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.幸好,有些化學燃料是潔凈無煙的。
was believed that perhaps during its existence inside the body of the mother, the growing embryo becomes fixed on the sound of the heart beat;if this is so, then the discovery of this familiar sound after birth might have a calming effect on the infant, especially as it has just been thrust into a strange and frightening new world outside.據說,在母體發育期間,胎兒的注意力可能會集中于心跳的節律;如果是這樣,那么外界相似的聲音可能會對出生后的嬰兒產生鎮靜作用,特別是剛來到這陌生又可怕的新世界的嬰兒。
s show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition , and that informing them risking destroying their hope , so that they may recover more slowly , or deteriorate faster , perhaps even commit suicide.研究表明,大多數醫生深信重病患者并不想知道他們的真實病情,冒著會毀滅他們希望的風險告知他們事實,會使他們恢復得更慢,或者會加速惡化,甚至導致自殺。
had cleared up those confusions which arose from different medicines that had been given a same name and different names that had been given to the same substance.同名不同藥,同藥不同名,由此造成的混淆,他都一一予以澄清。
was to test the effects of mercury on the heart that two new studies compared the mercury levels in clippings from toenails,(where heavy metals tend to be deposited).因為重金屬容易在腳趾甲富集,為了測試汞對心臟的影響,所以兩項新的研究比對了從腳趾甲上剪下的碎片中的汞水平。
should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 比如說一個46歲的男子----在與家人外出度假之前進行常規身體檢查---盡管他自己感覺很好,但醫生發現他患有某種癌癥,6個月內會死亡,這時醫生該怎么對他講呢?
is no more difference, but there is the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person ,as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales , and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights.科學家的思維活動和普通人的思維活動之間存在著差別。這種差別就跟面包師或賣肉的人與化學家在操作方法上的差別一樣——前者用普通的秤稱商品的重量,后者則用天平和精密的砝碼進行艱難復雜的定量分析。其差別不過如此而已。
hope of “early discovery” of lung cancer followed by surgical cure, which currently seems to be the most effective form of therapy, is often thwarted by spanerse biology behaviors in the rate and direction of growth of cancer.肺癌早期發現,隨后進行外科治療,這可能是目前最有效的治療辦法,但這個希望由于肺癌生長速度和方向等生物學特征不相同而破滅。
the periods the snakes’ saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today.在演化的過程中,蛇的唾液——一種溫和、助消化的像人類唾液一樣的液體——變成了甚至在今天也難以分析的毒液。
scientists hope stem cells can be used to grow a range of tissues, from brain tissue to treat diseases such as parkinson’s, in which brain cells are destroyed, to juvenile diabetes, in which key cells in the pancreas die off.但科學家希望干細胞能用來分化成一系列組織,如從腦組織到胰腺組織,用于治療由于腦細胞被破壞引起的疾病如帕金森病以及由胰腺關鍵細胞死亡引起的青少年糖尿病。
(ningbo university of technology in profile)
寧波工程學院是一所由寧波市政府舉辦的全日制普通本科院校,前身寧波高等專科學校創建于1983年5月。2004年5月升格更名為寧波工程學院。學校分東、西兩個校區,占地面積1400多畝(西校區(翠柏路)300畝;東校區(風華路)規劃1100多畝,其中已建成約400畝),校舍建筑面積30萬平方米。現有11個二級學院,27個本科專業。有教職工825人,在校全日制學生9429人。ningbo university of technology is a full-time regular undergraduate program university which financed by ningbo municipal government,it was founded in may,1983 as ningbo polytechnic college which was upgraded and redesignated in may,2004.(east campus and west campus with total area of 1400mu and building area of 0.3 million square,the west camps at 208cuibai road ,the 400mu east camps at the fenghua road to be is constituted of 11schoolos ,27 undergraduate-programs, registering a staff of 825,full-time admission of 9429.學校綜合辦學條件良好,基礎設施齊備。現有教學儀器設備總值8989萬元,館藏圖書117萬余冊。目前學校專任教師511人,其中有碩士以上學位者297人,占58%,博士67人,占13%;副教授129人,教授56人,副高以上占36%,師資隊伍建設呈現良好發展態勢。
nbut is well-equipped,in the value of 89890000rmb and a library of
1.17million university registers a faculty of 511,of whom 297 have obtained master degrees and over 67 doctor degrees,(58% and 13% of the total respectively),and whom 129 associate professors and 56 professors(36% of the total respectively),the construction of teaching resource shows a favorable development trend.學校以學科建設為龍頭,以市場需求為導向,精心設置專業,堅持工科為主,多學科協調發展。學校不斷提高專業建設水平,辦好優勢專業,扶植特色專業,全面實施“321教學質量工程”。現有省級重點學科1個,重點專業2個,精品課程5門,省級示范基礎實驗室。
directed to the discipline building and market demand ,nbut attaches prime importance to program configuration with the focus upon engineering courses in cooperation with “321 teaching quality project” is underway,in support of advantaged and tly rated at provincial level is a parcel of fruits,a key note program,two key note major programs and five excellent courses,model basis laboratory.學校加強科研基地和隊伍建設,大力開展應用性科技研究和發展,現有科研機構十余個2008年已獲國家級項目5項,省級項目14項;發表論文282篇,其中三大檢索論文48篇,cssci來源期刊論文14篇;實現專利轉讓2項。學校積極推進產學研結合,科研成果的應用轉化成效良好。
nbut provides an impetus to the growth of research basis under personal,in view of applied r&ble on the campuses are over ten research 2009 saw the research proceeds in the amount of over 40million rmb,three state natural science fund,5 pnsf projects ,the publication of 282 theses,of which 56 are retrieved into sci,ei and istp,and 14 into cssci,along with the transfer of two patents.2008年,為進一步加強學校與地方政府、企業以及高等院校、科研院所之間的聯系與合作,啟動了“雙合作”工作,初見成效。與鎮海區簽訂了全面科技合作協議;與中國社會科學院合作共建國際港口與物流研究中心;與中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所共建專業實驗室。
the double coo-program/scheme was launched in 2008 to keep in close contact with the local government and the above-mentioned ents were signed covering all round science and technology cooperation with zhenhai district, the jointly-built international sea-ports and logistics research-canteen with china of society science, the jointly-built specialized lib with ningbo medical technology and engineering institute under china of science.學校以應用開發型高級技術人才為培養目標,積極探索“知行合一,雙核協同”的人才培養模式。學校注重培養學生的實踐能力,組織參加省級以上專業競賽,屢獲佳績。畢業生深受地方用人單位的歡迎,初次就業率一直保持在95%以上。
aimed to cultivating the advanced technical talents in applied r&d,nbut is seeking after about the educational mode of knowledge and practice in “oneness” and “double-kernel link” students are encouraged to take part in the specialized competition at province level with outstanding tes are welcome to local first employment rate is kept over than 95%.學校廣泛開展對外合作,借鑒國外先進經驗,強化外向型辦學特色。1984年即與亞琛應用科技大學結對,是全國四所中德合作研究院校之一。先后與澳大利亞、德國等多國的大學建立校際合作關系并開展合作辦學、師生交流和合作研究。學校設有寧高出國留學服務中心。
nbut extensive corporation with the foreign university is early as 1984,nbut set up the sister relations with aachen applied te-university ranked among colleges in china for sino-german join educational ral have been earlier or later established with a dozen of universities australia、german and some other countries in regular of the degree program, exchanges of teacher and students , joint research o-s-s is attached nbut.學校全方位、多層次構建高格調、高水平、高質量的校園文化,著力塑造“知行合一”的辦學理念,積極發揮環境育人的功能,努力營造特色鮮明、文明和諧、健康向上的校園文化氛圍,全面提高學生綜合素質。
due efforts are distributed to the educational mode” knowledge and practice in oneness,double-kernel link” in the hope of achieving a lofty advanced and harmonious campus culture and training the well-developed students.
unit 7 1.到目前為止,還沒有一個競爭者能像ipad一樣對消費者形成如此顯著的影響。(so far)so far,none of these contenders like ipad has gained any significant influence on consumer.2.如果應當得當,新一輪全球化也許對中國這樣的發展中國家更為有利。(be favorable for)when properiy handled, the new-round globalization can be more favorable for developing countries like china.3.她通常不隨便花錢,要花也只是花她所掙的一小部分。(a fraction of)generally, she is careful with her money, and spends only a fraction of her earning.4.演講者應當向觀眾表述一些有意義,有見解的發言,讓觀眾在思想上受益。(deliver…to)speakers should deliver to audience a meaningful and insinghtful speech and make audience benefit from it.5.我得改掉每天晚上看電視的習慣。(wean oneself from)i have to wean myself from watching tv every 8 1.除了過強的北風外,此處為建設零碳環保建筑提供了理想的地理環境條件。(with the exception of)
with the exception of too-strong winds from the north, the location offers ideal geographical and environmental condition for a net-zero, environment-friendly building.2.此外,生態建筑挑戰還限制了建材到工地的運輸半徑。(in addition)
in addition, living building challenge places limits on the transportation radius from the construction site.3.為了充分利用當地的天然資源,項目小組將能源實驗室設計成沿地形逐漸降低的三部分。(to make the most of)
to make the most use of the local natural assets the project team developed the energy lab into three volumes that step down with the landscape.4.建筑管理系統在實驗室能效監控方面起到了重大作用。(play a significant role in)the building management system plays a significant role in minitoring the lab’senergy efficency.5.考慮到項目小組為滿足苛刻認證條件所作出的努力,該項目是真正的可持續建筑。(given….)
given all the effort involved in meeting the demanding requirement for the certification ,the project is a real sustainable 10 1.我們需要的一切是一些創造力和大量的時間和練習。(along with)all we need is some creativity along with plenty of time and practice.2.工廠由于未能遵守政府的安全條例而被關閉。(comply with)
the factory was closed for failing to comply with the government safety regulations.3.這個國家最終可能只是成為一個低成本的生產基地,而不是創新的發源地。(end up)this country could end up becoming simply a low-cost manufactoring base , not a source of innovation.4.為了幫助他們開拓新的市場,你有何具體計劃?(open up)do you have any particular plan to help them open up new market? 5.中國不惜一切代價去阻止臺灣“獨立”,包括發動戰爭。(wage)
china is willing to wage war with taiwan to prevent from declaring independence-whatever the cost.
第十單元 尋找生命
(潘文靜 譯 李健 審校)
(潘文靜 譯 李健 審校)