gross registered tonnage (grt) 注冊(容積)總噸
net registered tonnage (nrt) 注冊(容積)凈噸
deadweight tonnage (all told) (dwt or d.w.a.t) 總載重噸位(量)
gross dead weight tonnage 總載重噸位
dead weight cargo tonnage (dwct) 凈載重噸
light displacement 輕排水量
load (loaded)displacement 滿載排水量
actual displacement 實際排水量
over weight surcharge 超重附加費
bunker adjustment factor (surcharge) (bas or bs) 燃油附加費
port surcharge 港口 附加費
port congestion surcharge 港口 擁擠附加費
currency adjustment factor (caf) 貨幣貶值附加費
deviation surcharge 繞航附加費
direct additional 直航附加費
additional for optional destination 選卸港附加費
additional for alteration of destination 變更卸貨港附加費
fumigation charge 熏蒸費
bill of lading 提單
on board (shipped) b/l 已裝船提單
received for shipment b/l 備運(收妥待運)提單
named b/l 記名提單
bearer b/l 不記名提單
order b/l 指示提單
blank endorsement 空白備書
clean b/l 清潔提單
in apparent good order and condition 外表狀況良好
unclean ( foul, dirty) b/l 不清潔提單
direct b/l 直航提單
transshipment b/l 轉船提單
through b/l 聯運提單
multi-modal (inter-modal, combined) transport b/l 多式聯運提單
long form b/l 全式提單
short form b/l 簡式提單
anti-dated b/l 倒簽提單
advanced b/l 預借提單
stale b/l 過期提單
on deck b/l 甲板貨提單
charter party b/l 租約項下提單
house b/l 運輸代理行提單
seaworthiness 船舶適航
charter party ( c/p) 租船合同(租約)
voyage charter party 航次租船合同
time charter party 定期租船合同
bareboat (demise) charter party 光船租船合同
common carrier 公共承運人
private carrier 私人承運人
single trip c/p 單航次租船合同
consecutive single trip c/p 連續單航次租船合同
return trip c/p 往返航次租船合?br>contract of affreightment (coa) 包運合同
voyage charter party on time basis 航次期租合同
fixture note 租船確認書
free in (fi) 船方不負責裝費
free out (fo) 船方不負責卸費
free in and out (fio) 船方不負責裝卸費
free in and out ,stowed and trimmed (fiost) 船方不負責裝卸、理艙和平艙費
declaration of ship′s deadweight tonnage of cargo 宣載通知書
dunnage and separations 墊艙和隔艙物料
lump-sum freight 整船包價運費
weather working days (w.w.d) 良好天氣工作日
notice of readiness (nor) 船舶準備就緒通知書
idle formality 例行手續
laytime statement 裝卸時間計算表
damage for detention 延期損失
customary quick despatch (cqd) 習慣快速裝運
international maritime dangerous goods code (imdg) 國際海上危險品貨物規則(國際危規)
booking note 托運單(定艙委托書)
shipping order (s/o) 裝貨單 (下貨紙)
mate′s receipt 收貨單
loading list 裝貨清單
cargo manifest 載貨清單(貨物艙單)
stowage plan 貨物積載計劃
dangerous cargo list 危險品清單
stowage factor 積載因素(系數)
inward cargo 進港貨
outward cargo 出港貨
container yard (cy) 集裝箱堆場
container freight station ( cfs) 集裝箱貨運站
container load plan 集裝箱裝箱單